Overview of AccuWeather
Forecasts of AccuWeather updates every 15 minutes with weather information for the next 15 days. You can also check current and future weather situation, today's hourly forecasts and daily forecasts summary and details. There are 33 languages and dialects for options. For worldwide locations, when AccuWeather forecasts snow, ice, rain, wind, the probability of thunderstorms or forest fire, you'll see an orange card with an exclamation point displayed within the location's current conditions with a brief summary of the alerts in effect. Now get more from the weather radar with added future radar in the latest version. Analyzing weather trends is now much easier with graphs on daily and hourly screens.
- You can view minute-by-minute precipitation forecasts for the next two hours.
- Precipitation includes Precipitation type and intensity, and start and end times.
- An orange card with an exclamation point displayed with a brief summary of the alert.
- Push notifications for severe weather alerts in the United States.
- A snapshot view of the maps for your saved locations can be checked on Maps interface.
- Current news and weather videos in both English and Spanish can be watched.
- Updates very latest Temperature, Humidity and Precipitation Percentages, Dew Point, Visibility, UV Index, Wind Speed Gusts and Direction, Times for Sunrise and Sunset every 15 minutes.
- Add status bar on home screen to display weather conditions.
- Provides choice between metric or imperial units, 12-hour or 24-hour time display, and portrait or landscape view.
Test & Review
AccuWeather alerts your phone when needed, it has easy navigation, great radar, and even tells you when you about to get hit with rain and how long it will last. Weather conditions updates frequently to provide latest and reliable information to you. It sends you notifications for severe weather and shows you exclamation point with an orange card. So, you can out of risking get hit of rain, snow or other bad weather.
- It has AccuWeather MinuteCast to update weather for you.
- Radar for all of North America and Europe, and worldwide satellite overlaying interactive Google Maps™ with a snapshot view of the maps for your saved locations.
- Sunrise and sunset times are found in Daily Details which can be viewed by tapping on daily forecast.
- AccuWeather's exclusive weather forecasting system that analyzes multiple weather factors to determine how the local temperature actually feels.
- Available to store an unlimited amount of locations.
- It enables you to view the maps of your saved locations.
- Map is a little slower to respond.
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